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Too much time on your hands, looking for a giggle, well look no further! We've complied a list of our favourite funnies below.

Fupin Eejits

Uk news, scandal and sattireThe Fupin Eejits comprise of the talented trio of Stevie Cahill, Senan Byrne and Eddie Whelan. The Irish comedians rose to fame with short sketches such as the Irish take on Christmas and a standard Irish funderal.

See some of their clips on their profiles below

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Dapper Laughs

Uk news, scandal and sattireDapper Laughs is a British comedian, actor, presenter, writer and Viner and not to mention serial pickup artist. He had a short lived TV show which got cancelled after various complaints for its lewd nature.

View his social media profiles below

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Arron Crascall

Uk news, scandal and sattireThe "See ya later" guy Arron Crascall is a barrell of laughs! Now operation across a range of social media platforms his short sketches are usually based on public reaction type stunts! 

Have a look for yourself, Vine in particular!

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Sam Sadler

Uk news, scandal and sattireIt's all jokes with our guy Sam Sadler - one of our favourites. Where his famous Pins and Needles was his first hit the momentum has been kept going and Sam is set for stardom. His sexy moves and make us question our own sexuality here are Scandal HQ.

Be sure to view to his Pin's and Needles video

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