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Antisocial Behaviour in Ipswich: New Jobcentre aims to scare away youths after CCTV fails

Antisocial Behaviour in Ipswich

Ipswich Council have made public plans to open a Jobcentre on the Waterfront, following failed efforts to curb antisocial behaviour in and around the area.

Despite increased police patrols and the installation of additional CCTV the problem of underage drinking, joyriding and frisky youths has increased considerably. Also initiatives to engage more with the families of the perpetrators involved has proven difficult with many of the youths not knowing the identity of their own father.

The planned Jobcentre has been given the green light...

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Dogs to go on strike: 'Sick and tired of getting the blame for human farts'

Dogs to go on strike

In a worrying development many British dogs are set to refuse walks, refuse to sit down and have even threatened to poo more frequently or piss in the hallway at every given opportunity, as a result...

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Four year old toothbrush: 'Nothing wrong with it' insists Stoke man

Four year old toothbrush

Stoke-on-Trent chappie Jack Goff(32) has vowed to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding his missing toothbrush, which went AWOL just 2 days ago.

After lasting an incredible 4 years, from when...

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99% of Ryanair passengers who vowed to never fly Ryanair again have already booked their next Ryanair flight

Ryanair passengers

With the ongoing flight cancellation at Ryanair showing no signs of going away anytime soon CEO and gobshite Michael O'Leary finally has something to smile about. Recent statistics released by the...

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Virgin Active to offer selfie only gym membership throughout UK

Virgin Active to offer selfie only gym membership

Selfie Package perfect for those who pretend to be at the gym

Virgin Active UK have started signing up members to their new "selfie only" gym membership. The plan is the first of its kind and and...

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