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Donald Trump catches Justin Trudeau

Canadian Prime Minister insists he was "just getting a glass of water" at that Ivanka happened to be in the kitchen. 

Reports emerging from sources in Washington claim Justin Trudeau made a hurried exit from the White House following his first official state visit of the President Trump era - a state visit that started with a friendly handshake and ended with a frosty look of an almost concerned father.

After an successful press conference the previous day the American President and his Canadian counterpart enjoyed a meal and private discussion. Both leaders retreated and met again for what was described as "a private drink" with family members. During the night the source said Trump came down in the middle of the night to find Trudeau in his pajamas talking to his daughter Ivanka in the kitchen. While not much more is known about the incident both parties seem keen to avoid it being made public.

While no official announcement was released it is expected business as usual will continue between the 2 North American nations - with the United States claiming most of the Canadian talent as their own and Canada in turn blaming almost everything on America.

Before his final address on the official state visit Trudeau reported that he hopes to visit again soon. When asked by a reporter "how long that would be exactly", Trudeau replied "I am currently making arrangements for Washington again in 9 months time" while glancing over at Ivanka and performing what can only be described as a slight wink.

Time to start building a northern wall...

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