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Kaepernick forms 'Pirate Lives Matter

Former Fox anchor recently sacked from role with US TV Network

Fresh after being sacked from Fox News Bill O'Reilly has been spotted relaxing on a beach with former Sky Sports presenters Richard Keys and Andy Gray.

The trio, who seemed to have a lot in common, were spotted sipping margaritas and surrounded by hostess' at the infamous beer bar known "Skirts" in the city of Pattaya, Thailand's sin city. Despite being recently let go by Fox TV O'Reilly seemed to be having a great time, cat whistling at female passerby's, throwing peanuts down the barmaids bra and sharing sharing crude jokes with his 2 new found British friends.

One onlooker - who was pretending he was on a golf trip stated "Ah the lads, they were having a ball. They must have been wrecked as they kept going away for short naps in the bars back bedrooms. I went over to them after recognising Keysie from his Sky Sports days. He initially said he wasn't Richard Keys and wouldn't make eye contact with me. When Andy Gray came back from the back room with 2 of his female friends I knew it was them, you can't mistake that bald head and that accent." 

When asked O'Reillys representatives said Bill was "away" but only on important business. Agents for Richard Keys and Andy Gray said that their clients were "away, reporting on football duty" but had no further comment to make.


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