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airport pints

Great news for air passengers in Scotland

The days of getting into an argument with your other half about it being 'too early to drink' might be soon over for those going on holidays or trips away by plane.

Alex Salmond MP is planning on introducing laws, making it compulsory to gulp at least 1 airport pint before flights leaving any Scottish airports. While he backed down on suggestions passengers must also post a photo with the caption "airport pints" to their Facebook profiles he will nevertheless allow people to vote for what is being touted as a sensible change in the law, a law which at present causing great frustration for partners of boring teetotalers.

While not everyone agrees with the suggested change Scandal HQ caught up with Aberdeen local Euwan McPint at his local Wetherspoons. "Ayw, tis a great idea that one. Pints always taste better in the airport, tis long overdue. I'll book a few Ryanair flights myself when I get a job - just for the sneeky airport pints at 5am. Actually I probably don't need to book return flights if I never leave the airport." He finished off by slurring his words, raising his fists for some reason and saying "Tis a great fucking idea" 5 times - more aggressively at each turn.

While Scotland is expected to goes to the polls very soon party poopers down south meanwhile are leaning on the other side of the fence when it comes to airport pints, with the possibility of tightening up rules becoming more realistic, thanks a series of young Manc's who can't hold their drink - in turn managing to ruin it for everyone.

Voting turnout in Scotland is expected to break all records with such an important issue on the line. Recent polls suggest there will be a 10% higher turnout than that of the Brexit poll. Lawmakers in Ireland are said to following developments closely, with a view to implementing similar guidelines.

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