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Drive by Hotdog'in Cardiff

Police Sting results in arrest of 3 Cardiff Youths...

Three boy racer culprits were finally apprehended after a two month hot dog throwing spree focused in the Cardiff city centre area, primarily around the infamous Chippy Lane district. The victims were usually women and what made the crime more alarming was the excessive level of ketchup and mustard in each hotdog that was thrown. In many cases obscenities such as "show us your tits" and "go home slut" were directed at the women. The troublesome trio were known to police for previous motoring and other minor offenses. 

The culprits were caught after police arranged for a scantily clad woman to wander around Chippy Lane looking lost, confused and slutty. It wasn't long before the serial hot-dog'ers took the bait and police were on standby to catch them out.

they ruined my new boob tubes

"Thank god its over, they ruined my new boob tubes" commented Rihanna Jones, a serial meaneater from Newport who regularly travels to Cardiff for the superior nightlife and amount of intoxicated stag groups.

It use to be kebabs

"It use to be kebabs" said Tara, a local bartender who said that since many of the Cardiff Asian community joined ISIS the kebab attacks have thankfully died down.

The 3 youths involved in the hot dog throwing are due to appear before court next week.

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