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Coca Colas secret formula

Police are looking into allegations of 'human waste' at factory in Northern Ireland. 

Coca Cola have been hit by a scandal involving human excrement (also known as poo) involving their production plant in Lisburn in Northern Ireland.

A spokeswoman for the company stated: 'At Coca-Cola, we take the safety and quality of our products extremely seriously. We are treating this matter extremely seriously and are conducting a thorough investigation in co-operation with the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)."

Coca Cola have recently announced plans to cease production of their 'Coca Cola Life' product so lets hope they were not just trialing other flavours and ingredients.

While fans of Coca Cola leapt to the company's defense others were not so surprised about this latest incident, with one critic stating "I always said it tastes like shit".

The company categorically deny that they are planning to release any new flavours of their popular brand, but did mention there could be ramifications for the plant in Lisburn if any malpractice or unprofessional conduct was found.

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