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Sir Alan Sugar denies Spurs takeover plot

Hallmarks of copycat Dortmund team bus attack... 

Businessman Sir Alan Sugar has categorically denied planting an explosive device under the Tottenham Hotspur team bus prior to their defeat against Chelsea over the weekend.

Despite being caught red handing running away from what turned out to be a failed explosive Sir Alan insists it was just coincidence that he happened to be running from the device, which was along the route the Tottenham team bus took to the grounds for Saturdays game.

While police try to piece together the clues from the weekend various news outlets have made it known that Sugar is considering another takeover at White Hart Lane. Some have went further and suggested that the bomb could have somehow been a plot to lower the clubs share price ahead of a possible bid. If true the incident bears an eerie resemblance to events earlier this month in Germany, where a Russian gambler admitted to setting off a similar device under the Dortmund team bus for the same reason.

While Sir Alan has not released any official statement on the matter he has made references to his large twitter following. "For heavens sake, how in God's name would I know how to make a bomb, I don't know the first thing about them. And I'll tell you one thing, if I don't know then my apprentices certainly don't know. Have you seen that lot, their latest invention was a glass hammer. And you mere pheasants think they could make a bomb?"

Despite being of Jewish descent Sir Alan is adamant that his latest interest is not about the money. He says he has always been a football fan and he feels most at home with Tottenham fans. He wasn't aware of the share price of Tottenham and say that any reports of him bidding for the club were "100% verbal diarrhoea".

As the search goes on for the plotter of the bombs last weekend Tottenham Hotspur have stated they have every confidence in the police investigation. "We believe it was a sinister attack and luckily nobody was hurt, although we wouldn't mind taking out the insurance on Vincent Janssen".

The case continues...

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